Amaia Square Nova - PRICE LIST

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Although many Filipinos looking for housing may not have already considered opening a retail business in their property, the availability, price, location and convenience of The Amaia Square Nova commercial/residential units perhaps offers them the opportunity to consider it now.

Having to commute miles to work on a daily basis is perhaps one of the leading causes of stress and is also a factor that prevents families from spending hours together on a daily basis. Having a business premises in the same location as your residence therefore makes for a vast improvement in any family’s lifestyle. Add to that the quality of the buildings being provided and the prices that they are being offered for, makes for a sound investment both financially and socially, allowing your family and business to grow together.

Not only is a commercial/residential unit at Amaia Square Nova a good investment for now, it is also a good investment for the future. Although Quezon City is already the largest in the Philippines, it is still growing and thanks to its Cyberpark, it is growing with businesses orientated for the future and so will attract still new businesses and provide viable employment for residents for many years yet to come. Added to that the fact that the Novaliches District is encouraging even more Filipino visitors than the La Mesa Eco Park already attracts, means that any new retail business opening today has great prospects for the future and any residents can expect the value of their property to increase as the businesses and tourism in the area increases.

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